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100 Oklahoma Outlaws, Gangsters and Lawmen 1839-1939
1806: The Exploration & Settlement of the Cherokee Nation in Indian Territory
1835 Cherokee Census (Hard Cover)
A Bit of History
American Indians of Oklahoma
Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County, Oklahoma Vol 1
Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County, Oklahoma Vol 2
Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County, Oklahoma Vol 3
Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County, Oklahoma Vol 4
Cemeteries of Southern Ottawa County, Oklahoma
Cherokee Emigration Rolls, 1817-1835 - Transcribed by Jack D. Baker
"Cherokee Heritage" and "Memories of Beck Prairie School" - Two-Part Book
Cherokee History and the Spirit Family
The Cherokee Nation and Tahlequah
Ghost Stories from the Murrell Home
Goingsnake Marriages
Hildebrand's Mills: Two Civil War Industries On Flint Creek, Cherokee Nation
The History of Schools in Delaware County Oklahoma
Hunter's Home in the Cherokee Nation: The Murrell & Ross Families of I.T.
Index to the History of Row-Colcord