Our Library Founder, Virgil Talbot, worked steadily in politics designing leaflets, writing editorials, and taking stands on issues and candidates. He wrote a book called "A Bit Of History" (available in our online store and at Talbot Library and Museum) that chronicles some of his political efforts,
acquaintances, and correspondence....
and many other of his stories and writings about history.
On page 131 of the book, Talbot chronicles the moment he shook the hand of President Lyndon Johnson around 1964, as depicted in the photo.
Our Founder
Virgil Talbot was the founder of the Talbot Library & Museum. He was born on March 13, 1927. In addition to founding the Talbot Library and Museum, Virgil Talbot was also publisher of the Goingsnake Messenger and TL&M Genealogy magazines. He also wrote several books regarding his family and his wife's (Avis) family, as well as local history books and poetry.
Virgil's motto was "Preserving a Bit of History". He was very dedicated to this purpose. He worked very hard at collecting and preserving historical and genealogical material that would be available for generations.
Mr. Talbot belonged to several historical societies including the Cherokee National Historical Society. He was placed on the Historical Society Board by the Cherokee Nation--the first non-Indian to hold a position on the board. Virgil was very proud of this honor.
Virgil Talbot died June 17, 1998. He was posthumously named to the Oklahoma Historians Hall of Fame in 2005 by the Oklahoma Historical Society. He was an avid collector of historical records of this area and was so very proud of the Talbot Library and Museum.